Frosh Project

Every year when there’s not a big Interhovse, the frosh get together and build something, with help and advice from the upperclassmen. The idea behind this is so that the frosh can learn how to use power tools and construct things, and also so that they can have fun and bond as a class.
Last year, the frosh built a palace for His Majesty Dhiraj, the King of the Lounge.
There were a few elements to the Palace – a throne room, an armory and dungeon, a moat, and a maze.


Working on supports for the maze.


The throne room coming together.
Preparing the dungeon.
Putting the final touches on everything before revealing the project to the hovse.
The finished maze.
King Dhiraj on his throne.
The finished dungeon (on the left) and armory (on the right).


One by one everyone in the hovse went to pay the King their respects. He sent his good subjects to the armory and those who displeased him to the dungeon.
The armory had some swords and shields.


The dungeon had a foam-bladed guillotine among other things.


Some got dumped in the dungeon.


Others faced the stocks.
Overall, Frosh Project was quite a success. The frosh had a great time building it and it seemed like everyone else had a great time enjoying it.


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