Category: Uncategorized

  • Another Courtyard Inventory

    Another Courtyard Inventory

    3 years after the last inventory; let’s see what’s changed. 1 bored frosh with a laptop 1 bored senior with a camera 1 Blacker House Ct. street sign, hanging from the north gate 8 wooden pallets n pieces of wood scavenged from other pallets Bored frosh is not bored enough to count all this. 1…

  • The travel journal of the Lowenbrau lion, part 1.

    The travel journal of the Lowenbrau lion, part 1.
  • Continuing the tradition of welcoming a new RA in style.

    Continuing the tradition of welcoming a new RA in style.

         We had heard that Lucas, the new Blacker RA, was moving in on Friday, and many conversations were held on the topic of pranking him. The ultimate decision was made to remove the door inside the Womb RA apartment that led to the bedroom and bathroom and replace it with a wall. A…

  • A Frosh’s account of Hell Ride (and “oh look, we’re posting again”)

    A Frosh’s account of Hell Ride (and “oh look, we’re posting again”)

    There’s no better way to bring back this blog then to talk about Hell Ride. Okay, there’s probably a lot of better ways. But this is the one you get.   What is Hell Ride, you ask?      As explained in an earlier post, “This annual tradition, peculiar to Blacker Hovse, is probably the most…

  • A Strange Occurrence

    Any chance you were at Convocation today? It’s always good to see our friend the Lowenbrau lion 😉

  • Welcoming a new RA…

    Welcoming a new RA…

    As of this summer, we have a new RA named Adam. He is a pretty awesome guy, and he’ll be covering both Blacker and Ricketts. We have a history of welcoming our incoming RAs in interesting ways. We do small scale pranks often, but it’s particularly special when we get to use them to introduce…

  • Projects


    The two most famous projects that occur each year are Interhovse and Ditch Day, which every house participates in. However, lots of moles also like to also work on smaller-scale projects throughout the year. Here is a (very small) sampling of cool projects that I remember from last year: Hellride This annual tradition, peculiar to…

  • Hot Tub Party!

    Hot Tub Party!

    Every summer we put together our homemade hot tub in the courtyard. We fill it with hot water from as many janitorial sinks as we can reach with available hoses, and voila, instant party. This summer we decided to utilize our gazebo left over from Interhovse. Somehow our hot tub pieces magically fit inside the…

  • Adventures in Santa Monica

    Adventures in Santa Monica

    Hi, my name is Liz, and Marissa is forcing me to add this line at gunpoint. I’m a senior, a ChE, and hoping to graduate without horrible gunshot-related trauma. Contrary to popular belief, techers do get (far) off campus on occasion. On this rare and happy event, we tend to roam, and on this particular day…

  • Vignette

    Open scene: A quiet weekday evening in Blacker Hovse.  The South Hovse complex fire alarm goes off. All the Moles file out onto the lawn by the Athenaeum. Enter Security Guard.   Security Guard: No one here is in trouble, I just need some information about what happened here before we can turn the fire…